Poke Sallet & More

Poke Sallet & More

The Poke Sallet Festival Saturday, June 3rd with Award-Winning Musical Guest Line Up followed by  Sunday Service with Pastor Tim Goshen at Liberty Pentecostal Church in Coldiron KY. For all details go to https://rogerbarkleyjr.com/on-tour/  Mention this post or ad and...


Because of your calls, texts, emails, and requests Standing On Holy Ground is #17 for November for CashBox Magazine #6 for December for Christian Voice Magazine. Thanks so much to everyone for making this...
Welcome Little Jake

Welcome Little Jake

Jacob Shane Ryder Springs We have been blessed in our family with our 2nd grandchild. Jacob Shane Ryder Springs was born into our family in September. Josh & Chelsea are doing well and thank you to all who prayed and sent your gifts for Little Jake. I’m sure our...